Monday, July 21, 2014

First Impression: Trophy Wife

So there is this movie which can be viewed on July 30, 2014. The Trophy Wife, a movie under Viva Films.

Here is their official poster:

Image from Facebook of Viva Films

Here is a link of the Official Trailer of Trophy Wife, courtesy of Youtube:

So I am going to talk about my first impression with regards to this latest movie of Viva Films. The cast were consists of Derek Ramsay, Heart Evangelista, Christine Reyes, and John Estrada.

One thing that I am sure with this movie is that, the story of Trophy Wife was very much different from No Other Woman (2011) and from When the Love is Gone (2013). I am sure of it because based on the Trailer, there is a twist that we should catch from the movie.

What I mean is why is the character of Christine Reyes was so mad of Derek's? Why does she even used Heart to help her for her revenge? What is the basis? Where did all the anger came from? That's what I wanted to know from the movie, and how the ending of the movie will looked like. Could they give justice to the movie? Or they will just leave the viewers hanging and plotting their own ending for the movie?

There is also this much awaited part of the movie. Of course, the hot scenes... Here's a peek...

A hot bathtub scene.

Credits to the owner of the photo.

It takes a good actor and actress to film such a hot scene. Specially they had a past relationship. They were ex-lovers in real life, right? Based on Christine's recent interview about the movie, she told the press that it was quite awkward to shoot that scene with his ex-boyfriend. 

But what's the fuss, right? Derek's a good kisser. Christine might even enjoy it, secretly. Just kidding! 

Meanwhile, on the safe side, Heart Evangelista says no no to hot and daring scenes. So Christine had to do all the daring parts.  But there is no problem about it!

I guess, this movie will become the talk of the town after its first showing. Its going to trend again. Specially the hot lines - the characters had to throw to each other. Brace yourselves, Facebook users! Trophy Wife memes are coming!

My Mom wanted to watch this movie. She even invited me to view this movie with her in theater. But I guess, I can't. I just can't. I'm sure it is going to be awkward for me - watching all that hot scenes with my Mom! AWKWARD! I guess I am going to watch with my boyfriend. HAHAHA! Kidding!



P.S. I am going to make a review again after I have viewed the movie. I am going to give my final thoughts about the movie.

Thank you for reading!

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